Friday, May 10, 2013

Soup Du Jour (5/10/13)

Cleveland Kidnapper Could Face Murder Charges for Forced Abortions. - Yet another situation that shows the idiocy and depravity of a culture that calls evil good and good evil. If a woman decides to murder her baby, it's called "choice." If someone else decides to murder her baby, it's called "murder." What is the common denominator in both situations? A human being is being killed. To choose to kill someone, no matter how small, is to murder.

Lawless Law. - A great article from R.C. Sproul, Jr. Here's an excerpt: "The purported value of ethical relativism, the idea that there are no transcendent, binding rules for right and wrong that all humans are morally required to submit to, is that it allows us to live in peace. That is, if you have your ethics, and I have my ethics, well then there is no real need for us to fight over whose ethic wins. (So long, as, of course, our lives never actually cross.) The real value is far more sinister. We find ethical relativism appealing because we find our own guilt unappealing. Though we seek to suppress such knowledge, we all know that God is, that He is holy, that we are not, and that we are in trouble. Not the kind of pleasant thoughts one wants to go to sleep thinking on, so we suppress that truth. Do away with ethics and we do away with His holiness, our guilt, and therefore our trouble."

Strange Fire Conference. - Charles Spurgeon wrote: “Seek not, therefore, after visions, fancies, miracles, signs, and wonders, but believe when God speaks to your heart, according to all the statutes and testimonies, the precepts and promises, which are contained in the sure word of revelation.” John MacArthur is hosting a very important conference in October, which will focus on the "strange fire" of the charismatic movement. Although the conference is all ready "sold out," I'm sure they will live stream it off the website. You won't want to miss this conference.

Photo Gallery: Earth from Space. Start your day with some amazing photos of earth from the International Space Station. "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork" (Psalm 19:1).

Tweet o' Irony. Free to choose, but not free to choose.

Pic of the Day. Prince Harry of Wales laid a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery. With it, he left the following note. Well played, Harry. Well played.

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