Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Penciled Prayers: Oh, That Salvation for Israel Would Come!

"Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord restores the fortunes of his people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad" (Psalm 14:7).

Father in heaven, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of the Twelve Tribes: Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! Father, my heart has been heavy and my mind has been occupied with thoughts of Your people, Israel. Lord, once again they find themselves fighting for relative peace and security, for their existence. Her allies seem to be relegated to Your Church, but not even all of Your Church.

Father, from the beginning of Your people, Israel has experienced cruelty from those who hate You, who do not seek You. Yes, Lord, a good portion of that nationally experienced cruelty of man throughout the ages has been a form of divine judgment from You, for Israel's wanton and repeated rebellion against You. To the extent and exactly when that has been the case, I do not presume to know. Your thoughts and Your ways are too high for me.

But why not now, Lord? After all, Your people, many of your people, deny Your very existence. And Israel now has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the entire world. Israel continues to sacrifice her children on the altar of Molech. Israel is at war, to varying degrees, with the who world. Why not, Lord? She is in rebellion against You. Yet You have not drowned her in the Great Sea, Father. You have not crushed her into powder. You have kept her enemies at bay. Why, Lord?

I believe Your Word, Lord. I believe You will one-day save Your people--not in a blasphemous "two stream" fashion. You would never contradict Your Word or rob Your Son, the Messiah, of His glory by making His propitiation unnecessary for some of those, some of Israel, You have chosen to save. As there will be a great apostasy from the Church, which may have already begun, I trust there will be a great deliverance, a great rescue, a great reconciliation throughout the Twelve Tribes as men and women and children repent and receive the Messiah, Jesus Christ the Lord. Oh, for that great day to come quickly, Lord! Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!

May salvation for Israel come out of Zion, that place where You were pleased to reveal Your presence, protection, and power to Your people! Lord, glorify Your great name through the salvation of Your chosen, covenant people. May this be the generation to see the fulfillment of Your promises to Your people! May they repent and believe the gospel, today!

Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ who misunderstand Your Word and somehow find justification in their chosen eschatological construct to despise Israel. Father, please help my beloved brethren, whose salvation I do not question, to see their error of thinking the Church has replaced Israel, that the promises You gave to Israel are now somehow null and void, have been redirected to and assumed by the Church. Father, I pray You guard the hearts and minds of my Christian brethren from any anti-Judaism or antisemitism that can come from a skewed eschatological perspective.

Father, I likewise pray for my Christian brethren who have been duped into blaspheming You by affirming a different gospel--one that believes there are two ways to heaven--by way of the cross and by way of Israel. Lord, please close the mouth of every false teacher--men like John Hagee who assert You never claimed to be the Messiah, Lord Jesus, in order to proffer the false notion that Israel did not reject You during Your earthly ministry. Close the mouth of every false teacher who bolsters such rank heresy with their lips and with their books.

Lord God, the greatest support the Bride of Your Son can give to Israel is the gospel of her Messiah. Rallies, monies, and other supplies, without the gospel of Jesus Christ, is to make the Jewish people more comfortable on their way to hell. Please, Father, do not let this happen anymore, and bring to repentance those Christians who subscribe to any pro-Israel ideology that does not include a clarion call to the Jewish people to repent and believe the gospel.

Lord, I pray not only for Israel, but for Palestinians and those who are part of the terror organization known as "Hamas." Yes, Lord, let earthly justice be meted out for every crime committed against the people of either side of the conflict. But Lord, I want all people, both sides of the current conflict, to come to repentance and faith in You. Lord, please do not allow another Palestinian, young or old, to suddenly perish in their sin. Let not another misdirected bullet or bomb injure, maim, or kill another person, whether Palestinian or Jewish. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Father.

Father, many are clamoring for peace when there can be no peace for the person or nation who denies Your Son, my Lord and King, Jesus Christ. But I pray for peace knowing that if it comes it will be preceded by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ in the hearts of all those You have elected to salvation by Your grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Make all things new, O Prince of Peace!

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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