Monday, October 6, 2014

Today's Hashtag: #EvangelicalCowTipping

Austin Hess, a young man who follows me on Twitter, asked me to compile a series of tweets I posted under the hashtag #EvangelicalCowTipping. The purpose of creating the hashtag was to address some of the "sacred cows" and errant thought within the American Evangelical community.

Here are the tweets, as they appear on Twitter, from the most recent to the first.

1. There are so many women pastors/leaders in churches today because so many Evangelical men are so weak and lazy.

2. While VBS has its place, it remains a tragic breeding ground for false conversion.

3. Discipleship involves leading and teaching younger sheep to follow Christ. It's not begging goats to act like sheep.

4. It's hypocritical to justify sending kids 2 pub schools to be "missionaries" when parents won't share the gospel at work.

5. When Christianity is illegal in U.S. I wonder how many evangelicals will have enough evidence against them to be found guilty.

6. To say we shouldn't shove Jesus down people's throats is to imply u believe there is something distasteful about Jesus.

7. You're kidding yourself, pastor, if you think your "personalized license plate" and "movies" sermon series are pleasing to Christ.

8. Churches claiming to be "real" while using stock photos of non-members to give their websites that "real" feeling.

9. I believe Jesus would tear down most billboards advertising churches, today, like He overturned tables in the Temple.

10. "If you pray this prayer, and if you really really mean it, Jesus will come into your heart" is NOT in the Bible.

11. When you ask for God's fire and glory to come down, you do realize you're asking God to consume you, not bless you?

12. The angels rejoice over 1 sinner who repents. The angels will also rejoice when God crushes everyone of His enemies.

13. People won't care what u have to say until God gives them eyes to see and ears to hear. How much you care is beside the point.

14. You are not the only Jesus some people will ever see because you're not Jesus.

15. God does not sit in yonder heaven with a hole in his heart shaped like you that only you can fill.

16. Jesus was killed for what he said, not for who he hung out with. Some churches teach Christians to hang out with sinners and keep their mouths shut.

17. I wonder how many American churches would crumble if the government eliminated the tax deduction for tithing.

18. Judgment begins with the household of God, not with "those people" you hope won't show up to church this Sunday.

19. Part of God's "wonderful plan" just might include sending you to hell for eternity.

20. I believe God laughs at "Fight Church" the way He laughs at His enemies in Psalm 2.

21. Pastor: finding allegories about Jesus in the Star Wars series doesn't make you an expositor of the Word.

22. Contrary to the "prophecies" uttered by some pastors, people didn't come to faith watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

23. A "call to worship" isn't playing one song to let people know it's time to move away from the coffee and donuts.

24. Neither Jesus nor disciples ever went through communities and surveyed unbelievers about what they wanted in a church.

25. News Flash...... You are NOT the gospel.

26. "We have a new pope!" Words that should NEVER cross the lips of a Christian.

27. "Spontaneous Baptism Kits" and using members of the congregation as "plants" in the audience to draw people to the water is unloving and blasphemous.

28. No pastor or evangelist has ever been given the responsibility or the right to declare a man saved after he "prayed the prayer."

29. Filling stadiums w/ith ost people, getting them 2 emote and pray a prayer, and then sending the back to the Roman Catholic Church is unloving.

30. If you throw a barbecue for the community without sharing the gospel, you assume people who hate God want more than a free lunch.

31. The idea of "earning the right" to do what God has commanded every Christian to do--evangelize the lost--is blasphemous.

32. Jesus doesn't love you just the way you are. Jesus loves those whom He saves IN SPITE of who they are. You're not lovable.

33. "We must respect everyone's beliefs." What verse is that?

34. Being a member of a local church doesn't mean you can use your membership card to hop from assembly to assembly. The local church is not Costco or L.A. Fitness.

35. "With everyone's head bowed and eyes closed...." [Cue the soft music] Does not aid in the conversion of anyone. It's manipulative.

36. Writing the date you walked down the aisle of the church in the back of your Bible is no guarantee you are saved.

37. There's not one example in the Bible of a Christian leading an unbeliever in a "sinner's prayer."

38. God is wrathful and when Jesus returns as Lion of Judah, the blood of His enemies will drip from the hem of His robe.

39. Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary use amplification.

40. Nowhere does the Bible teach 40-yr-old men to dress and act like teenagers in order to relate to and reach them.

41. Hey, pastor! Jeremiah 29:11-13 is not an evangelistic passage for unbelievers!

42. "If you build it, they will come" is a great movie line, but an unbiblical and man-centered evangelism strategy.

43. If you think you make the gospel relevant, you are, in reality, a hindrance to the gospel you think needs your help.

44. "Relevance" is not the new cool. It's the old fool.

45. You fail to realize that the unbelievers driving by your church don't think the pithy statements on your marquee are funny.

46. If you do everything you can to make sure your church logo doesn't contain anything identifying it as a church, you may be lost.

47. If you're a pastor who is comfortable taking the stage for prayer with Roman Catholics and Muslims you may be lost.

48. If you're seeking "common ground" with Roman Catholics and Muslims, you should examine yourself to see if you're in the faith.

49. You're not more spiritual if you keep your sermons under 30 minutes. You're simply less studied.

50. Holding up your Bible before your sermon to tell folks how important it is, only to put it down and not open it again is weak.

51. Encouraging unbelievers to join believers in the act of worship is to encourage unbelievers to offer Strange Fire.

52. Designing worship and messages to make unbelievers feel comfortable amidst the gathering of the saints is worldliness.

53. "If you pray this prayer, and if you really really mean it, Jesus will come into your heart" is NOT in the Bible.

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